Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Blurb on WiFi

With these times of Wi-Fi security is often overlooked by the average user. Unfortunately most users find security in the use of wireless activity through the obscurity of their knowledge.

If you utilize wireless devices I encourage you to research further about the security or lack there-of that you are using. This post discusses a few points of wireless security that you may or may not already be aware of.

Unsecured wireless networks (i.e. Unencrypted Home routers, coffee shops, universities...)
These networks, while convenient to use these networks, it is just the same for others to obtain information about you and your wireless devices. For the majority of these networks any user can monitor the web traffic and information sent, including usernames and passwords. If you choose to utilize these networks I would advise to be cautious as to which sites you are accessing, only because of the information you may be releasing. On a side note, it is a good idea to vary your passwords from site to site, which will help to avoid having your password to a site such as MySpace discovered, and this putting risk on the security your personal information via your bank website account.

WEP Encryption
Don't use this form of encryption if possible with your wireless router. This is said in such a manner that it may cause you to be a higher risk of wireless attacks than that of an unencrypted network. WEP keys can be identified in a matter of minutes and finding these keys and attacking the host users, whether playful or malicious, may be seen as a game to the attackers.
Most routers have had updates release from their manufacturers that would allow them to at a minimum upgrade to a WPA protection, which holds a lot more security.

More information on wireless security to come...














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