Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dart Horse: A Darts Game

So this post is a little out of the ordinary for what I usually write up.

Today a coworker and I invented a new game, which is the "Horse" version for Darts.

The object of the game is just like regular "Horse", where you try to get your opponent to spell Horse first, but the rest is different.

There are two roles each player will hold. The role of the setter and the role of the matcher.

These roles can be initially determined by either a closest to bulls-eye or highest score pre-throw. The winner of this throw will be the matcher.

The setter throws a dart at the board setting the point total which is to be matched. Once the point is set, the matcher throws their dart to see if they can accumulate the same value as the set point. If the value is matched then the setter receives a letter. This can be achieved by utilizing single, double or triple point accumulations. For example, if a setter throws their dart and hits triple 6, giving them 18 points, then the matcher can throw the dart at either single-18, double-9 or triple-6 in order to give the setter a letter.

A player keeps their role for a turn, which consists of three (3) set/match attempts. At the end of the turns the players swap roles and start the next turn.

Turns continue until one player has been given all of the letters of "Horse".

  • If a player throws a dart while their foot is across the line, then they receive a letter.
  • If a player throws a dart and it fails to stick in the dartboard (dartboard area includes outside circle), then they receive a letter.
  • If a setter hits the outside circle, then they receive a letter.

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