Friday, October 21, 2011

JavaScript CamelCase string conversion to Proper Case

I ran into a case where I wanted to be able to reverse a CamelCase string to Proper Case format. Without using regex, due to the amount of time it would take for regex to make the replacement, I built up a function to convert a CamelCased string with the most likely proper result possible.

This function will add a space before a capital letter if it is not the first letter in the sentence, if the following character is not a capital (allow abbreviations/acronyms) and if the previous character was not a space (unlikely to be used, but allows for partial camel cased strings to be corrected). Unfortunately this function will not be able to detect a single letter capital word as an independent work, like 'I'. Since it's less common that 'I' would be used in a variable, when compared to an acronym or abbreviation, this was decided to be the lesser evil of errors.

String.prototype.camelToProper = function () {
if (this == null || this == "") {
return this;
var newText = "";
var characters = this.split("");
for (var i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
if (characters[i] == characters[i].toUpperCase()
&& i != 0
&& !(characters[i + 1] == characters[i + 1].toUpperCase())
&& characters[i - 1] != " ") {
newText += " ";
newText += characters[i];

return newText;

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Speed Test: Document-Relative vs. Root-Relative

Today I got curious if there was a speed difference for loading using Document-Relative paths or Root-Relative paths.

I created a sample test on one of my sites which loads up 583 thumbnails and put in a trigger to change the type of relative pathing utilized.

I did a series of load time measurements and based on these tests it appears that the difference insignificant. Therefore, use whichever method you like best.

Document-Relative Paths:

Load Time First Byte Start Render DOM Elements Result (error code)
20.844s 0.516s 0.890s 586 0
Document Complete
Time Requests Bytes In
20.844s 583 3,050 KB
Fully Loaded
Time Requests Bytes In
20.844s 583 3,050 KB

Root-Relative Paths:

Load Time First Byte Start Render DOM Elements Result (error code)
20.606s 0.430s 0.832s 586 0
Document Complete
Time Requests Bytes In
20.606s 583 3,070 KB
Fully Loaded
Time Requests Bytes In
20.606s 583 3,070 KB

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